Murder Hornets - Asia's killer insects

Murder Hornets

Vespa mandarinia commonly referred to as murder hornets are invasive insects that are native to Japan. They live in forests and low altitude mountains.


Physical Characteristics of Murder Hornets

Murder hornets can grow up to 2 inches long (5cm) with a wingspan of about 3 inches (8cm) although, the queens and workers differ in size. V. mandarinia has a large armored-looking helmet head that is matte orange-yellow. It possess a set of compound eyes that ranges from dark brown to black with 3 simple eyes that are similar in color to the compound eyes. It’s antenna are typically a medium or dark shade of brown with yellow-orange scapes.

They have large mandibles shaped like spiked shark fins, that is deep-orange hue with a black tooth used for burrowing. The thorax is dark brown with a prominent scutellum impressed with a medial line. The banding on the abdomen (gaster) is dark brown with alternate orange-yellow bands. The last segment of V. mandarinia is uniformly yellow. The head, thorax and abdomen have varying densities of setae (hairs). It’s 2 pairs of wings are grey and forelegs are brighter with dark tarsi while the mid and hind legs are dark brown throughout. The possession of the stinger which reaches up to 6mm distinguishes the female reproductive (queens) and non-reproductive workers from the stingless males.

Social Insects

Murder hornets are exceptional fliers reaching up to 20 miles per hour. They are eusocial species, territorial and aggressive when provoked. These insects are referred to as murder hornets because they kill and eat other insects and regurgitate a fine paste back to their young to feed on.

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Written by Mafuru Blessing for

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